Well, here it is almost Easter. Wednesday. A time to be shopping for the ham. Getting things in order for the Sunday dinner. Just read an email from a friend who is having dinner at her place. I know what it is to cook and get prepared and work. A lot of preparation to have the family over. After reading her email, I was reminded of an incident when I was a child.
Oh, how we looked forward to the Easter basket in the morning. To see what the Easter bunny brought to us. Each Saturday night before Easter, we would get a plate out (my brother and I) and put on it celery and carrots for the Easter Bunny to enjoy on his way so he would leave us nice baskets full of goodies. One year, my mom caught me in the refrigerator after the plate was put out but before I went to bed. She said to me, "What are you doing?" I replied, "Counting the celery and carrots." "Why?" she asked. "Because someone said that the parents just take the celery and carrots and put them back into the refrigerator because there is no Easter Bunny." Not wanting to put an end to the Easter Bunny just yet, mom took the celery and carrots and put them in the basement up on a shelf where we wouldn't find them where they rotted away. It went on like that a few more years before we found out there was no bunny.
And we had to watch out for mom with our chocolate bunnies, they usually were earless. Ma had a thing for the bunny's ears and would bite them off. For the longest time I never knew chocolate bunnies had ears!
Fun memories........Hope you have some to remember this Easter. Have a Happy One! Til next week..........BJ
Cute story! It reminds me of when I was very young we had a neighbor across the hall from our apartment who put a pack of cigarettes in my Easter basket one year. He was a joker but my father didn't care for him and it really made him angry.