Saturday, November 27, 2010

After Thanksgiving

I do hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was very special! I never realized the joys that children can bring into ones heart. I met my cousin's children and what gems they are. Made my heart warm and happy.
This Thanksgiving was so very great! The kindness and hospitality I was shown...the great food! Sure, we didn't have a turkey...but let me tell you we had other great stuff! Green beans, pierogi, mushroom gravy, biscuits, a vegetable salad....was like a succatash and yummy, mixed potatoes, a wonderful cranberry salad, home made applesauce, and a great ham! Dessert was pumpkin pie and jello/pretzel cake! I tell you it was just wonderful! I truly am blessed!
Hope yours was half as good as mine!
Will work on recipes remember how thankful we are for all we have!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Ah, the smell of turkey roasting in the oven, sweet potatoes cooking, stuffing baking, pies done and ready for dessert...It may take days to make, but it is always a special time to celebrate with family. I made Thanksgiving for my parents and in-laws. I really enjoyed that time together.
We always made the turkey in oven bags and it was sooooo nice and browned. Stuffing was made by mom from her mom's recipe and it is one of my very favorite. I can't find a recipe, but I did try this one .... it almost tastes like gram and mom's....
1 stick margarine
4 cups of dried bread cubed
1 diced onion
1 chopped stalk celery
1 tsp. each of the following: marjoram, thyme, sage, poultry seasoning
1/2 tsp. pepper
salt to taste
chicken broth/stock
In a skillet, melt the margarine and add the onion and celery and saute...don't brown it, til soft and translucent. In a large bowl add the bread cubes, mix in the onion and celery, seasoning and start adding stock/broth to moisten and mix. When bread cubes become sticky, stop adding stock. Put into a buttered casserole dish and back covered 1 hour. Take off lid and cook another 15 mins...Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fall is here and almost gone

Good intentions sometimes fall by the wayside and that is what happened here with my blog. I had every intention of keeping this up and I messed up....let other things get in the way. But I hope to be able to work on my blog at least weekly.
This time of the year, my mom or grandma would make my dad's favorite and my favorite as well...Jellied Pig's Feet...
Use 4 pigs feet, cut in half. 1 clove of garlic 2 pork shanks
5 whole peppers 1 onion, browned 5 whole allspice
1 stalk celery, chopped 4 bay leaves 1 sprig parsley, cut fine
1 T. vinegar Salt
Wash feet and shanks, place in large kettle and cover with water. Bring to boiling point and skim. Add onion, celery, garlic and spices and simmer covered very slowly for about 4 hours or until meat comes off bones easily. Cool, strain, remove bones and spices. Return meat to liquid and salt and vinegar and pour into loaf or tube pan. Set in refrigerator until firm. Scrape fat from the top, garnish with cooked carrot slices, lemon slices and hard boiled eggs sliced. Enjoy!
We used to slice it and put a little vinegar on it and pepper no garnishes with a slice of rye bread...I can taste it now....Hope you like this ..... til next we meet.